Monday, May 11, 2009


If you'd like to participate in the Menu Plan Monday meme hosted by Laura at Organized Junkie click on her name or the apron picture at the left under the heading "Monday" and follow the guidelines. All of my meal plan recipes can be found by clicking on the meal title.

Monday 11th: Low Country Boil with Friends! I am doing the cooking and my family will join her family tonight at their house with this big pot of yumminess. We are going to cover her large family-size indoor picnic table with old newspapers and then cover that with a plastic table cloth. We're going to dump the (well-drained) contents of the big pot right in the center of the table and dig in! She and her husband have 5 children and two of our three will join us so we'll have a jam-packed dining room and lots of laughs!

Tuesday 12th: Tacos, Cheese, Tomatoes, Salsa, Lettuce, Sour Cream, Dill Pickles! Yeah, we like chopped dill pickles on our tacos. Try it! You might like it. I'm not linking a recipe for tacos. I think every family has their own version of what a taco is. Far be it from me to lead you astray!

Wednesday 13th: Burger of the Week Smoky Double Cheeseburger (It's # 2 in the slide show)

Thursday 14th: Goulash, Buttered Corn, Cooked Carrots Garlic Bread! No recipe for Goulash either...see "Taco" above for reason.

Friday 15th: Pizza and Salad! Don't get excited. Around here it's frozen pizza and usually Salad a la bag!

Saturday 16th: Leftovers from the week

Sunday 17th: Beef Tips and Rice, Green Beans, Asparagus! A favorite of my daughter's. Miss M will be home for the weekend and I'll treat her to this. It's sirloin steak cut into bite size pieces, dredged in seasoned flour and fried. A brown gravy is added and simmered. It's served over cooked rice. Comfort food.


  1. Sounds like a great menu plan!

  2. I'm a fan of Small Notebook too!
    It looks like a delicious week of meals planned.
    Stop by BerryMorins Bits & Tips, leave a comment for a chance to win a $25 from vinylvineyard at!
    Have a great week!


So, whatcha think?