Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Pink Truth Entry by "Raisinberry"

NOTE: This was written by a woman who goes by the name "Raisinberry" on Pink Truth. She is a voice of reason among all the others who are still angry, grieving, and shunned by their former Mary Kay directors and NSD's. I will admit I have posted quite regularly on Pink Truth. I have shared my story on the site and I have commented on the discussion board about other topics pertaining to the company, the people, and my experience. It is something I have had to do in order to release the guilt and feelings of failure. It has been part of my healing process just as it has been and will continue to be for others who have found themselves caught up in the system. I couldn't agree more with her sentiments.

Written by Raisinberry for Pink Truth
This is it. All the women who think I am the enemy can breathe a big sigh of relief.

At least till the book comes out!

I only have one more thing to say. What I am about to say causes me the greatest heartache. The life of a current Mary Kay Director is one of desperate denial, and it is the saddest story to tell.

The old timers believe that the Mary Kay life they lived 20 years ago surely must still exist, and their loyalty to all things Mary Kay blinds them to the reality of who they have become, what they have done, and how far off the road they are from being that “woman of excellence” they pretend to be.

This is the single focus I have had, in my sharing with you, all that I have seen in Mary Kay. I am angry that this business, at its heart, is nothing more than a financial cult that preys upon the deepest longings and deepest insecurities of women. I am angry that those within it clutches can not see it, and are discouraged from getting any neutral opinions because from day one, they are urged to identify who in their life is “negative” and summarily dismiss them.

They are taught that any voice of objectivity is a saboteur, and to be avoided, and that anyone that does not believe in the Mary Kay way is a loser... and you wouldn’t want to hang with losers, would you? This is step one in the
“cult” book of divide and conquer.

I have been fueled to fight this cult because I am watching people who I counted as friends go further into desperate denial, chasing something that they believed in, too afraid to look at the reality all around them. They are held by the fear of shunning, and the breakdown of a life spent pursuing a predatory business model.

What can they possibly do now? They can not afford to stop for one minute and evaluate the fictional life they lead. They can not afford to tell the real truth. They can not face where they are. They can not risk the repercussions. They can not face the lie. Anyone who tries to put truth in their face is a demon, and destroyer. They can not see that to turn and stand and fight a financial predator like Mary Kay is a step into the light.

Proof after proof has been offered. Story after story has been shared. This is a numbers game and numbers don’t lie. Unless of course they do not agree with your cherished beliefs. The number of women, churned through the doors of Mary Kay, who have been emotionally, spiritually, or financially harmed, is staggering; it is indefensible. To continue to defend this marketing scheme is to live in denial. So who chooses to do so?

Those who still want with all their hearts to believe in the people, the story, the potential and culture of the Mary Kay they thought was real.

Over the last year I have issued many challenges to MK Corporation and Nationals to “fix” Mary Kay. I am nobody so it was more wishful thinking. I have defended Directors because I truly do not believe that they are doing anything more than what they were taught to do, under a system that robs us all of independent thinking. They are guilty of trust, and for that I can not condemn them.

I have met members of MK’s corporate staff over the years and can not for one moment believe they are evil people. I have spent hours at the expo listening to the pride that most MK Employees have for this company. There is a whole network of corporate staff that can not fully fathom the manipulative practices of the Sales Force. Over the years, I have been made aware by some that Corporate is consistently troubled having to deal with the drama and antics of its sales people.

When you look at the whole package, you have loyalists that are utterly distraught that we here at Pink Truth promote our particular perspective which they deem is “negative”, and we who are outside the pink bubble looking back in, who are appalled that we tolerated the manipulation for so long!

It is two sides of the same coin, and we never get to the bottom of it because we are not allowed to look. Since sales to the consumer do happen, and some women do love the product, there is always that morsel of goodness that helps cement the “con.” People can sell. People do buy. So it really is possible!

What my colleagues fail to acknowledge is that all good cons have some morsel of truth. What they fail to look at is the numbers. The reality. The results for hundreds of thousands of consultants. This company is so frail; it can not stand the scrutiny of the facts. It relies instead on platitudes and “founder's sayings” designed to deflect rational thought! “The cream rises to the top but has to float on a lot of milk.” This is supposed to absolve Directors of guilt for frontloading millions of dollars of unsold product on to “milk.”

Do Mary Kay Corporation and the National Sales Directors know that for the most part there are virtually no “skin care classes” being held? Absolutely. President, Thom Whatley mentioned the average was 1 class a month, as little as 4 or 5 years ago. This little secret is at the base of the denial, as contest after contest attempts to coax consultants into holding more appointments.

When the “on the face, on the go “ marketing idea was introduced, it was clear that MK was attempting to change the selling model into more “on the go” selling, fully aware that classes were a thing of the past. But did they change the way that production was “extracted”? Were inventory packages reduced?

On the contrary. Pam Shaw’s total success package at $5,400 wholesale stormed the nation. The "pearl" level was added. We have watched an ever increasing switchover from “selling” appointments to rabid “recruiting” appointments and guest events each year.

Why? Because our Nationals have trained us that our production is in New Recruits. In my opinion, our nationals abandoned the skin care class, (meaning build a selling area - slow and deliberate) long ago, panicked by the meteoric rise of their young NSD competition. Recruiting was always where the fresh meat was, rather than a 15 year veteran red jacket who actually knew something about the business.

Once “the dacias” (apologies to Dacia) glommed onto the concept, the rapid recruiting era and “one month wondering” was born. These mentalities have left hundreds if not thousands of women in the wreckage of their wake, jetting to the top. We, of course, are now sitting back watching the collapse like a rocket spent in space. For what?

Greed. Get rich quick. But this only exacerbated by an already weak and destructive business model. Ask any CPA in the world. “Dual marketing” is a creative figment of some savvy Director’s imagination. It is a phrase whose meaning is not at all an answer to the question, “Is this a multi-level?” Mary Kay is a multi-level who hates the moniker, and would rather not be likened to an AMWAY. There is frankly not much difference between them.

I have committed the cardinal Mary Kay sin. I have attempted to unravel the complex conditions by which a person gets pulled in, succumbs and then perpetrates the continuing fraud of Mary Kay, in happy denial.

I have been characterized as “negative” when nothing could be further from the truth. A negative person would not have spent the last year attempting to expose, rebuke and convict her colleagues to stop the madness.

My goal has always been to hold up the mirror so that my sisters can see the face they once knew. Before they hardened themselves to the fact that these women are people... not “milk”... not a means to an end.

None of us ever wanted to hurt anybody. All of us loved the fun and camaraderie. We believed in the Pink bubble. We just didn’t want to face the fact that it didn’t exist anymore, and what took its place was a system of self preservation that required us to do whatever it took to maintain appearances.

“Sell the dream!” We swallow hard. What dream? That those of you who got in early make up the less than 1% of DIRECTORS who are making money? And what of our meteors? Our shining young stars? Allison’s Area is now down to 15 Directors and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the chargebacks are chipping away, invisible to anyone’s eyes.

How ironic is it that adherence to “positive mental attitude - never be negative” is really designed to hide the truth. How frail this system must be that it can not have an honest discussion of where the pitfalls and failings have been. A Sales organization that must prop up its sales force continually to maintain production, while failing to address the cause of its decline, afraid that the slightest addressing of a true negative condition would scatter the worker bees, is perched on a slippery slope.

Before the internet, nobody knew any of this. Nobody except the women in Dallas hotel rooms who shared with their roommates how sick they were inside from all the debt... and even then, fearful that it would get back to their NSD, how “negative” they were. Now add all the other cult-like manipulations of spirituality, speaking for God, disallowing rational thought, “sayings and quips” designed to shut down real concerns, “us versus them” mentality, disrespect of husbands, repetitious sayings, chanting affirmations, conformity, absolute loyalty, love bombing, mega communication, peer pressure and unquestioning submission and you see where dependence on the organization takes over… and objective thought is gone.

I urge Directors and Consultants to stay home from Career Conference. Disconnect from one event. Surely if Mary Kay is all it is said to be, your enthusiasm could not possibly wane from such a great opportunity.

Count your inventory. Add and total all your sales from the last 90 days to 6 months. Look at your time spent at meetings. Look at and total all your expenses. Make no excuses. Make no rationalizations. (“ well I only did the other $2,400 because I wanted to qualify for the ---)

Evaluate what kind of pressure you are receiving to either be a star, a Senior, a red Jacket, on the courts, top ten in any category, on target, DIQ, and whatever else. SEE if your business is profitable. DETERMINE IT. And remind yourself your business now directly competes with Mary Kay sales on EBAY, which number in the thousands for a fraction of what you are selling it for. Oh… they didn’t tell you that?

It is clear to me that Mary Kay has no plans to change marketing plans in any meaningful way. In many ways they are trapped by their own business model as well. They can hope to downsize as Units collapse, reevaluate and restructure and come back a leaner operation, without levels of commissionable personnel. They can raise minimum orders to $600, eliminate personal use consultants, hope to build real sales ability, or go totally to an order as needed model that would stop predatorial frontloading.

They won’t. They can’t face the reality of low consumer sales. Why should they? David Holl and the boys are salivating over new markets overseas that are completely oblivious to the predatory nature of pyramids. Who needs customers when you have consultants?

There are a group of women hurt the most by all this. They are very small. They are the ones who have been honest and forthright, and have struggled to hold appointments, struggled to be all things to their units, stopped frontloading and doing bogus contests designed to manipulate production, continued to teach real sales technique in terms of listening well and filling a need, they do not use fanfare and quips and sayings to shut down their consultants concerns and they can not get real help from their upline because no one will admit that something’s wrong. These ladies will blame themselves. For these women I grieve the most.

But… we were supposed to “Sell the DREAM”. It was a DREAM, alright. Something you invent that plays out only in your mind, until the sun comes up, and you open your eyes.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Sun Shining Down on Me

I've been in that desert place for so long. It seems like forever. I do remember some time before I began that walk though. I finally feel the sun shining down on me. A few years ago I began the journey in the desert--there are only one set of footprints.

In my head I know I am forgiven. The Bible tells me so. My minister tells me so. My mom and dad tell me so. My husband tells me so. But my heart doesn't. Or didn't. Until yesterday at church.

I have had a very busy week: homeschool lessons, homeschool moms' meeting, housework (sort of), homeschool group day, waitressing--did I mention we had served over 100 Valentine dinner specials at the restaurant? Talk about being bone dead tired come Sunday morning. Sheesh.

I woke up refreshed and we got ready for church without the weekly dash of discouragment the devil usually doses out. I walked into the church, heard the music and suddenly I felt alive again. Not just awake. ALIVE! Humming--"my Savior lives, my Savior lives..." I walked down the aisle (we were a tad late so all the "good seats in the back" were taken LOL) I made my way up to a pew in the front of the santuary. We greet and welcome one another. (Why do church leaders insist on this? It's the dead of winter, shaking hands with a multitude of people and then later taking communion just doesn't make sense, but I digress.)

Then that song begins. It's the one that has brought me to tears over and over the last few years. My aching heart broke each time our congregation sang that song. Sadness and defeat enveloped me. I wondered if I would ever sing that song with the joy intended by the writer.

Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
I used to sing this song wondering where the plentiful land and abundant streams were.

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name
I found myself in the desert, walking through the wilderness of my actions and sins and I was there for so very long. Days continued to mark the time and I was moving forward each day...it's just that the desert sand went on forever ahead of me.

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
In my head, I knew to keep praising Him. There was a reason for this journey. From studying God's word, I know to just keep praising Him and thanking Him. But my heart was another matter.

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Finally! My heart gave way! VICTORY! Victory over the battle!

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name
Finally! I felt the sOn shining down on me. I know faith is NOT about the feelings-it's about what you know in your mind about God...BUT, this was such a different "feeling"--I'm not sure "feeling" is the right word but the scar tissue on my heart was now fading.

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
I couldn't get through these words. That's when the tears just rolled down my cheeks. The lump in my throat was the size of the cross on the wall in front of the church. The road marked with suffering was behind me. The pain in what I had to offer my Lord was gone. My songs were now offered with something different.

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord

I know in this world there will be more troubles caused by my actions or the actions of others. We are sinners. That is a fact. However, I have made it through this time in the desert and the next time darkness closes in on me, I will know it will fade eventually and the sOn will shine on me again. I will once again be carried by Jesus through the desert.

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name
He gives His love. He gives His life. He gives His heart. He gives His blessings.
He takes away the hate. He takes away the death. He takes away the sadness. He takes away bane. BUT--and it is a big but--It is all in His perfect timing. And that is the hardest part.

I lifted my hands in honor of my Lord. (My kids think this is weird but I cannot help it--it's like my heart was commanding my arms.) I lifted my face to feel that sOnshine. It dried the tears.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Sweetest Valentines

Around here Valentine's Day is met with less than enthusiasm. For us it's just another day. Oh we enjoy the sentiment and all but all of us think it silly. Actually, we kind of make fun of all the hoopla. My boys turn green at the thought of giving some little girl a heart-y card with things like "Let's get together" written on it even if it IS on a Spiderman background. Rick and I think it's ridiculous to spend $7 on a card or $40 on flowers when we need milk and we're out of peanut butter. Morgan wrote an editorial about the over-the-top celebrations of the day last year. I mean really, who in their right minds would have a 36" mylar balloon that plays music delivered to their 3rd grader at school? Is the balloon riding the bus home too?

So we kind of do our own thing around here: The boys chose inspirational Valentines to give out at the homeschool group Valentine party. The one they gave me says: Giving thanks for you. Ephesians 1:16. On the inside it says, "You're a blessing, teacher!" It's going to become a book mark for my Bible. Rick put the Safeway ad on the fridge and circled the picture of the dozen roses and told me, "Here are your flowers. These will last longer. By the way your bottom is getting smaller. Keep up the good work, baby." Then he patted my "smaller" bottom and told me he loved me. And Morgan's Valentine didn't come in the way of a card, or balloons, or even a newspaper insert. She's a teenager; hers came in the way of a text message on my cell phone:
"Thank you so much for being such a great mommy all nineteen and a half-ish years of my life...i know i am who i am cuz of you and dad and all the rest of the family...I'm glad i am strong enough to be alone, emotional enough to know I'm missing something, stable enough to know it won't last, and independent enough to be OK til it does end...you're a great mom! I love you! And am so proud of you and your life!"

Okay...my husband and kids are just precious. Will somebody pass me a tissue?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Update on the Job

In short: I love it!

The last 4 years I have been perfectly content to hole up in my little cottage and homeschool my kids. (Don't worry about their "socialization"--we do get out of the house and talk to other people.)

I haven't wanted to wear make up. I was perfectly comfortable in my flannel lounge pants and thermal shirt. When you don't put your jeans on at least once a week you don't realize you're gaining weight. That's not a good thing. In the past 4 years I have gained about 20 pounds.

My blood pressure was still running high and the anti-depressants had to be doubled. Not good.

My family practitioner watched me continue to sink into a deeper depression over the 4 years he was my doctor. The last time I saw him before he moved he told me to get a job. Volunteer, find part time work for pay, just something to change the scenery. Something different to think about for a few hours a day.

So, me being the ever follower-of-the-rules, I took a job at a video rental store for 3 evenings a week. I decided to buy our groceries with that money I earned. However, being in a video store, alone, and doing the closing process at 11:30 pm kind of creeped me out. It didn't set too well with Rick either.

I had applied at our local cafe in November because I really wanted to wait tables. This would be even better because I could save money by walking instead of driving to town to work.

About 3 weeks ago the owner called me in for an interview and I was hired and began the next night.

It is everything I wanted it to be. The place is hoppin' --it's excellent food, a comfortable yet trendy atmosphere, my co-workers are neat women and the owners are just incredibly precious, kind and fair folks.

I run my legs off each shift I work but I love it. I love that fast pace for a few hours. I have seen people I haven't seen in a long time. The owners are so shocked and impressed that I know so many people and can call them by name when greeting and serving them. What can I say? It's a small town and I've lived here forever.

The money isn't too bad either. People around here tip very well if you give them the personal service they want when dining out. My job is to make sure our guests are comfortable, content, fed well, and treated with respect. I do my best to do that for every group or individual coming in to the establishment. If I include my hourly wage rate with my tips it figures out that I made $19.25 per hour tonight.

It's been a great part of the healing process. I no longer feel like I'm a failure. It feels wonderful to buy groceries and feed my precious family with money I earned while they were sharing some good father-sons time together. It feels great to feel alive and well and it feels amazing to be able to do something about the debt.

I love to feed people. It makes me happy to cook for people and to see them enjoy food and time together. God is so good. He has allowed me to heal through serving others.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Part of the healing---I am more than just a beautiful mess

Many people have emailed me privately to ask about the meaning of my blog's title. I am trying very hard to overcome some emotional issues and dwelling on the problems of the past can have either a good result or a bad result depending upon the day for me. Some background:

A few years ago I began a Mary Kay business. I borrowed $1200 from my mother in law to buy some inventory upfront and worked hard to get classes booked from classes. I was a star consultant that first quarter of my business. I immediately got approved for a credit card from a bank doing business with Mary Kay and I upped my inventory so I could have a full store and immediately begin taking a profit from my business. After "winning" my first prize (a soft, buttery leather briefcase tote) I immediately fell in love with the idea of winning the star consultant prizes and took to heart the mantra I heard over and over and over: Find a way, make a way, get it done any way. And so I did. I wanted to be on the front page of my director's newsletter and I liked it when she talked about how well I was doing in my business and how smart I was working being a young mother of two and expecting my third baby. She kept talking to me about becoming a sales director and making "big girl pay" and attending the fun retreats, meetings, and luncheons reserved only for sales directors. I liked being a part of a special group.

I charged more inventory orders to reach Star Consultant level. I justified the extra orders because someone might need that Black Raspberry lipstick and she’d probably want two: one for her purse and one for her vanity. I did this several times. Not just to make star consultant level but to make the grade with my director who was always running sales contests and recruiting contests. I spent a lot of money traveling and taking clients to lunches for “informational appointments” and didn’t worry too much about the costs because after all, it was a business expense.

After the birth of my 3rd child, I found I was in qualifications for the red grand am career car offered. He was in the hospital at 2 weeks of age with pneumonia and I was writing recruiting letters and doing interviews on the phone. I do not remember ever rocking my youngest baby. Ever. I would get so close to the sales quota for my team to earn that car and would miss is by a few hundred dollars. This went on for several months until I heard again, “find a way, make a way”. I prayed and prayed for more team members and more sales and a way to make it come together. A few days later, I got a credit card offer. I thought for sure this was God’s way of providing my way to make it happen.

I was tooling around in my shiny new red grand am and found myself in qualifications for directorship and there were so many neat things that the directors or “leadership” got to do that we consultants didn’t get.

Another mantra I heard over and over was “It’s not for the chosen few, it’s for the few who choose.” I wanted to be a director so badly because the Applause magazine listed those amazing monthly checks that the directors were earning and I really wanted to bless my family in the same way.

So, again, I manipulated the money and the credit cards (and sometimes the people) to make it happen. After a couple of months of getting so close I knew I had to make it stick the 3rd month or have to start all over as per the company’s rules. I wasn’t going to let that happen and lose some of the potential unit members to another team. Again, good (bad) timing that another credit card offer came in the mail. I kept praying and praying for God to "enlarge my territory" and put the right people in my path and to give me courage to offer them the dream life I was building. Every time a new credit card offer came I was sure God was ansering my prayers by giving me more financial credit so I could travel more, travel farther, and thus "enlarge my territory" by coming into contact with more new faces.

I debuted as a director of my own sales unit in December of 2001 with several thousands of dollars in credit card debt at my side. Part of it was also on my mother in law’s credit card because at several points during that time I was desperate to make another order and didn’t have any room left on my cards. I wasn’t too worried about it all because I figured with just two or three really good sales/recruiting months in the business and the director’s commissions I could take care of it all. It was just a matter of (another mantra here:) “keeping on, keeping on”. Only losers and consultants without backbone who quit when it gets tough. After several months of making production quotas one month and not making the quotas the next month I began to worry. I would wake up in the middle of the night wondering where the money was going to come from to pay the credit card bills and all the extras I was told I needed to run a successful unit. "Get some household help" was something that the top directors said was a must if you wanted to be able to really grow your business. I hired a housekeeper for 3 mornings a week. I wanted to stay in touch with my unit members and top consultants so I bought a membership to a telephone hotline system.

I also used household funds to buy products to sell or buy extras that I though my business needed in order to make me successful. And, of course, that left us short for household bills so I would charge groceries to make up the difference. At this point my husband didn’t know about most of the debt. I was so afraid of losing my unit and my status of director and the car (that wasn’t really free) and I was so afraid of disappointing my husband and my director. They were so proud of me.So, anyway because I am a person who enjoys “things” and the thrill of winning prizes and the status of “belonging” (probably ALL things that scream, “LOW SELF-ESTEEM”) I was in debt (unsecurred credit card and store accounts) to the tune of $24,000.

After a few months of working my tail off driving all over God’s green earth to hold facials/classes/interviews and going backwards (losing customers to other consultants, losing consultants who really didn’t want to work, losing my mind trying to keep God first, family second and MK third which in reality was MK 1st, 2nd & 3rd–btw, one director even told me that sometimes in order to keep God first and family second we had to temporarily put MK first) I had a nervous breakdown.

I told my husband everything. My blood pressure was off the charts, I was having migraines, my baby was suddenly 6 years old (WHEN did that happen??) The most vivid memory of his infancy was the time he was in the hospital and I was writing recruiting notes and letters to prospective consultants. I don't remember just rocking my baby.

My husband was disappointed but he loved me through that day and we set up payment plan. He got another part time job (in addition to his full time job and another part time job). I let the unit dissolve and I decided that I had to close my business. I began working part time and decided to homeschool our children to make up for lost time. That part (the homeschooling) has saved my life. Literally. It has given me a true purpose and a feeling of value and worth and has given me the opportunity to rock my baby while reading books to him. They are thriving in their education and we are still plugging away at paying off the debt I incurred.

I did it. I own it. It is not the company’s fault. It is not my director’s fault, nor is it my unit’s fault. I did it. It is my fault. There are a couple of anti-MK websites out there that are beginning to really make some headway in cautioning other women about how Mary Kay works and more importantly the ways it doesn't work. I was so relieved to find out that the feelings and misgivings I had about my MK business were not reserved only for me. Thousands of other women have gone through the same thing. While I agree that "no one held a pink gun to my head" to make me order I have to admit some of the comments and practices can make you want to order (or buy something or go somewhere) because "what if?" Mary Kay Ash said to never give up because success is right around the corner. I was so afraid if I didn't go ahead and do what was suggested to me I would miss my "right around the corner" success.

This process of healing is something I can compare to mourning. I know that sounds absolutely ridiculous but for me that's how it has been. One day I closed the meeting room door in the church where I held my unit meetings. At that point, I turned to my mom (a consultant and unit member of mine) and just cried. I knew at that moment that my days in Mary Kay were over. I was weary. I was broke. I was disillusioned. I was saddend. I felt like something in me died. And in reality it was a death. It was the death of a dream I had. It was the death of something I had so "vividly imagined and ardently desired." My dream was something that had become such a part of who I was or at least who I wanted to be. And it was gone. I have been going through the normal stages of grief and it has taken a while.

The first part was realizing the lies:

Lie # 1: Directors in Mary Kay say, "It isn't for the chosen few, it's for the few who choose" but that is a lie. Here is the truth: God's plans for me trump any plans I have for myself. God has a much mightier life in store for me and I must be in His will to see it.

Lie # 2: Keeping your business challenges/problems to yourself and not sharing them with your husband is just good business sense. They rationalize this by saying that if your husband knew about the debt, the number of cancellations, the hours on the phone with no results etc. will only make him crabby and then, seeing you upset, he'll urge you to quit the busienss. This is a lie. Here is the truth: Keeping things from your husband, unless it is a surprise for him, is NOT honoring or respecting your husband. I wonder how many marriages have crumbled because of the deception that follows. God wants us to be helpmates to our husbands. I certainly did not do anything to help my husband during those years.

Lie # 3: Fake it 'til you make it.
Here is the truth: Pretending that you live a lifestyle that you cannot really afford is a travesty.

Lie # 4: Mary Kay gives you friends for life.
Here is the truth: Since I quit Mary Kay my "sister directors" don't even know I exist. They weren't true friends, I know that now. They cheered for me when I was working to win a contest or make it to a new career level. They stopped caring about me when I was no longer a part of the "Big Girls Club."

Lie # 5: The average new director makes about $30,000 her first full year as a director.
Here is the truth: There are too many expenses as a director to make that much. I invite ANY first year director to show me her SCHEDULE C income tax form. I truly would love to see $30,000 net income for a first year sales director.

There are so many more but I'm getting down thinking about it all again. I read some of the stories on one of the anti-MK websites and here is one that really sums it all up.

I began my business with this great picture in my imagination of being fabulously happy and successful. Driving the perfect car, on my phone, talking to fabulous, happy people, feeling powerful and successful...Then I saw that the women I had to talk to and work with are NOT happy when my job is to call them and talk to them about what they're doing and not doing with their business. They can call it "mentoring" all they want, but my consultants saw it as BADGERING. They are going to do what they want to do. No amount of badgering, girl-talk, encouragement, praise, etc. will make it any different. If you keep talking to them long enough, they'll tell you what you want to hear and THEN just go do what they want to do anyway. I started to feel it when they would see my number on caller ID and not answer. I felt like every waking moment I had to be "ON" and looking for my next victim! I couldn't be nice to people just because I wanted to be nice. I always had to get something from them. It melts your integrity away bit by bit. Even if you are a nice person, that nagging question you always have in the back of your mind: "Will she book? Will she sign on? What can she do for me? Who does she know?" keeps you from really feeling good about what yourself. I remember the wonderful (not sarcastic, she really IS) Carolyn Ward doing so incredibly well in this business, receiving millions of dollars for her MK retirement. What a beautiful person she is and we ALL really wanted to be just like her. We just can't. Period. Fortunately for Carolyn, she got into MK a very, very long time ago and had a completely unsaturated market to work with! She also built her business at a time when women were staying home and raising their children - not working! A Makeup Party/Skin Care Class/Whatever, was a welcome change for them! It wasn't a huge imposition the way it is now. With most women working these days, and not bored at home, waiting for the latest and greatest interruption in their dull lives, the last thing they want to do is clean, bake cookies, be told they're not allowed to serve wine for a party for YOU. And then, find a place to put her husband, pets and children for the evening! And to top it all off, try to find some people who are not all Mary Kay'ed out to invite over so YOU can make money from her girlfriends! (If she only knew now little we were making! Ha!) In MK, they have a way of making us feel like MK is the ONLY job in the world - especially if you're good at it! 'What in the world will you do? You'll just be another quitter! Another loser! If you quit MK, then you'd quit anything! You're a loser!" That really is how your upline will make you feel when you want to walk away. I know. I did it to my downline. It's part of the J-O-B. The truth is, there are a million jobs out there for all of us. What did you learn in your MK business? People skills, management skills? Time management? Make up artistry? Really stop to think about it. We have so much more to offer than the MK cult wants us to think we have! After all, if they can make us feel like MK is all we're able to do, we won't leave, will we? I recommend spending some quiet time just stopping to think. Stop being angry, forget about the debt you incurred for a few minutes and really THINK about what it is that YOU have to offer. It's far more than they've lead you to believe.

PS. The last thing I heard Carolyn Ward say in her last speech where I was present was, "...now that I'm retired and I can say whatever I want, I am going to tell you this. If you want to be successful in MK, I mean really successful, you need to know that this business is 24/7. You cannot have really big success working 20 to 40 hours each week. You just can't...." ...Doesn't that just say it all. Coming from the Number 1 person in the entire company year after year.

So, it's been a few years now but I am healing. My raw soul hurts less and less. I feel less guilt each day for the debt I accumulated. I feel more empowered each day for getting through the fire. You know that poem about the footprints in the sand? Well, if I could look back over the last 5 years there would be only one set of footprints...those would be God's footprints, carrying me through each day. I'm beginning to set my own footprints down now. And there are two sets of footprints now because I know that I am truly walking with my Lord now.

I am a stay at home mom who has chosen to homeschool "the babies," my daughter has become a young adult and she is one of my best friends now, my husband and I are on the same page and he has shown me so much grace and forgiveness for all of this mess. We are poor; but we are richer than anyone else I know. We still have debt but together we are working on that. I wait tables at the little cafe here in town 3 nights a week and love it: Really LOVE it. It makes me feel so good that I can do something to help with the finances. I am healing. The hurt is almost gone and now I am ready to minister to others who might have gone through the same things with Mary Kay. Oh, I am still a mess...but I am a beautiful mess and God is making me more than just that.