Thursday, January 24, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog?---That is the question!

Celebration-worthy things come in all sorts of packaging. You just have to have your eyes peeled for them. Anticipate them. Be ready for them.

Things that truly tickle you--make you laugh out loud--are worthy of a celebration. Those "coincidences" that happen that you know in your heart are really hugs from God are worthy of a celebration. Those times when you feel the pure joy welling up in your soul are worthy of a celebration. Those times when you are so awed by something you learn are worthy of a celebration.

So, this year when those kinds of things happen to me I'm going to celebrate them by blogging them. Right then and there! Too many times we let too much time pass between the event and the celebration and we "lose the confetti." You know what I mean. It's still neat but when there is confetti it's a celebration! If it ends up sounding silly or preposterous or downright ridiculous to my gentle readers then so be it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad the answer was To Blog! Good start friend. Keep it up! Can't wait to see how God hugs you tomorrow. Rooting for you!


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