Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Favorite Things

20 Of My Favorite Things

1. Color-purple.

2. Dessert-Vanilla Ice Cream with Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and Chopped Walnuts (Unless it's my birthday and then I want Mississippi Mud!) Incidentally, I have been known to enjoy both of these (not at the same time) for breakfast.

3. Smell-my freshly showered husband.

4. Flower-anything fresh cut

5. Animal-Yorkies!

6. Month-June (I married the love of my life in June.)

7. Beverage-freshly brewed ice tea (Unless it's three in the afternoon and then I prefer hot tea with honey.)

8. Pair of shoes-Tan leather BASS Mary Jane style from my sophomore year in high school. If I could EVER find another new pair of them I'd buy them in an instant!

9. Snack-LOL S'mores! Duh!!

10. Song-More Than Just a Beautiful Mess by Matthew West.

11. Book-Besides the Holy Bible? Hmmmm.......

12. Fruit-Red Grapes

13. Hairstyle-Long and Straight-no bangs.

14. Piece of clothing-Christopher & Banks denim capris with tiny buttons on cuffs.

15. Store to clothes shop-Thrift Stores (Goodwill, Salvation Army, ARC--great bargains to be found if I have the time to browse!)

16. Season-Spring

17. Hobby-Do I have a hobby? How sad is that!??

18. Thing to collect-Vintage Pyrex in Solid Colors (no patterns)

19. Movie-The Notebook

20. Restaurant-Panara Bread for a chain restaurant/Smokin' Willy's for a local place.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your list. Ice cream for breakfast? Yes!! :)

    I got married in June, too. It will be 23 years this year. My husband is a blessing to me.

    I don't make iced tea, but I like McDonald's sweet tea, no ice, no lemon. Yum!



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