Sunday, April 19, 2009

RTAB (Random Thoughts at Bedtime)

Where on earth (or in this house) can the stapler be? You never really know how much you use a stapler until you cannot find one.

Why is it that I can grow lucious, healthy, bright green plants from a common navy bean in a damp paper towel in a mason jar in the window without trying but I cannot bring a chive seed to life in a pretty planter with the best potting soil, plant food, TLC, and water?

Why is it that my puppy will ring the bells by the back door to signal to me that she wants to go outside...but then comes back in, squats at my feet and potties on the floor?

Don't you think Crayola and Hershey's should work together to make crayon-shaped chocolates? I do.

Does anyone else NEED books around them to feel comfortable?

1 comment:

  1. Just discovered your blog through the Daybook list. I LOVE it! I have added you to my bloglines and I can't wait to read more!! Just wanted you to know you have a fan. :-)


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