Monday, March 17, 2008

Organization Swap & Hop--A Little Tip from the Laundress

Lysa has an awsome blog and I hope you'll hop over to read her wisdom. I mentioned in a comment on her blog about my idea that saves time and frustration for me in the laundering area. Take white athletic socks times 3 men and what do you get? A lot of socks, that's what! Laundry is a pain for me. Yes, we probably do have too many clothes. (Thank you Grandma, for pointing that out!) You are right, I don't have a game plan when doing laundry. No, I don't do a load every night. (Thank you dear Mother-in-Law for making that astute declaration!)
BUT I do have the WHITES figured out! Each person in this household who has a p3nis has 2 mesh lingerie bags. LOL No joke. When he takes off his white socks, BOTH socks go into his "Dirty Sock Bag." The next day, when he needs a pair of clean socks, he gets 2 socks out of his "Clean Sock Bag." That night, when he takes off his socks (or, if it's Eli, when he changes his socks 14 times a day) he puts the dirty socks in his "Dirty Sock Bag." So, when the "Clean Sock Bag" is empty for a guy, he knows to throw his now-full "Dirty Sock Bag" into the laundry hamper. I toss the whole bag of dirty socks (times 3 if all the guys are in sync with sock wearing) into the washer and let 'er rip. The whole bag (again, times 3 if all goes well) goes into the dryer. Viola! The "Dirty Sock Bag" is now the "Clean Sock Bag" and the previous "Clean Sock Bag" becomes the "Dirty Sock Bag" and I have not had to sort, pair up, look for missing orphan socks, or --and this is the best part--touch the stinkin', sweaty, smelly white athletic socks of the men I love.
Now, I know you're asking, "Oney, do they really put their dirty socks into the bag?" Well, Rick does without fail. His mamma taught him well to listen to the woman of the house! The boys? Not so much. But we're working on it. Happy washing.

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